Legal information

This website (the "Website") is the property of SUEZ (Asia Pacific) Limited (hereinafter "SUEZ")


Publisher: SUEZ (Asia Pacific) Limited

Company no. 151306
Registered office: Room 701, 7/F, Lee Garden Two, 28 Yun Ping Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong SAR


Legal Representative: Francois Fevrier


This Website provides information about the activities of SUEZ and its subsidiaries. SUEZ endeavours to ensure that the information published on the Website is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to amend the content of the Website at any time and at its discretion alone.


The Privacy Policy forms an integral part of these General Terms and Conditions of Use.

Intellectual property

The trademarks and logos (semi-figurative trademarks) that appear on the website are registered trademarks held by or licensed to SUEZ (or its affiliates). Any total or partial reproduction or representation, on its own or with other items, is strictly prohibited without express prior written authorisation from SUEZ.


The general layout, logos, illustrations, names, software, text, images, photographs, products, videos, sounds, know-how, animations and, in general, all the information and content that appears on the Website, are the exclusive property of SUEZ. Any total or partial representation, modification, reproduction or misrepresentation of all or part of the Website or its content, by any process whatsoever and on any medium whatsoever is prohibited and would constitute an infringement of intellectual property rights.


Any databases that appear on the Website are also protected. Accordingly, SUEZ expressly prohibits any reuse, reproduction or extraction of items from these databases. SUEZ reserves the right to remove immediately and without prior notice any content, message, text, image or graphic that may contravene the laws and regulations in force and in particular the above mentioned regulations, these General Terms and Conditions of Use and SUEZ's community regulations.


Any use of the components of the Website (text, images, etc.) must be expressly authorised in writing beforehand by SUEZ, by sending a written request to

Hypertext links

The Website may contain links to other parties' Websites. SUEZ disclaims all responsibility for the content of third party websites and shall not be liable for the how they are used.

Personal data protection

Browsing and the use of all or some of the features and functionality of the Website by the User involve collecting and processing personal data about the user, whose terms and conditions of execution are set forth in the Website's privacy policy .



The Website's Users are invited to refer to the Website Privacy Policy, to find out about and exercise their rights, and in particular their right to view, correct and delete data, to limit processing and to the portability of data.

Responsibilities and liability

SUEZ shall not be held liable for delays, problems in use or incompatibility between this Website and your files, browser or any other program used to access the Website.


SUEZ shall not under any circumstances be held liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from or subsequent to the propagation by a third party of a virus through the Website that may infect your computer system as a result of your visiting, using or browsing this Website. Similarly, SUEZ shall not be liable for direct or incidental damage (including, without limitation, technical failure, leaking of confidential documents, data loss, corruption, loss, misuse or unauthorised communication of files or data, including personal data), or any other indirect damage of any kind arising from or in relation to the use of the Website.


SUEZ and its contributors take all reasonable steps to ensure that the information available on this Website is accurate and up-to-date, and reserves the right to revise its content at any time, without notice. Nevertheless, SUEZ cannot guarantee that the information is comprehensive or that it will not be falsified by a third party (by hacking, a virus etc.). SUEZ reserves the right to correct, change and delete the content of the information published on the Website at any time and without notice. However, SUEZ and its contributors do not guarantee and assume no responsibility as to the suitability, order, accuracy, freedom errors, veracity, relevance, loyal and commercial nature, quality, reality or availability of the information contained on this Website. Each user assumes the risks linked to the credence that he grants this information. Incorrect information or omissions may occur, in particular due to spelling errors or page layout. If you notice an error, kindly inform us about it by contacting the Website administrator via the Website contact form so that it can be corrected.


The components of the Website are provided on an “as is” basis, without any guarantee of any kind, either implicit or explicit.


SUEZ reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change or remove any component of the Website. Pursuant to its policy of Website updating and optimization, SUEZ may amend these Terms and Conditions.


Any dated information published on the Website is valid solely for the date specified. Each user must take the appropriate steps to protect his own data and/or software from infection by any viruses that are circulating on the internet.


The site provides access to other Websites operated by SUEZ or SUEZ group companies, which may have their own legal notices, which users should consult.


Each user shall be responsible for the content he publishes, posts, shares, exchanges or uploads to the Website.

Language and Governing law

This website, its Terms and Conditions of use, Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are bilingual in the Chinese and English language, and in the event of inconsistency between the Chinese and English language, the English language shall prevail.


The Website, its Terms and Conditions of Use, SUEZ's community regulations and all the items relating thereto are governed by the laws of Hong Kong SAR. Any disputes relating thereto shall be referred to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Hong Kong SAR.