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As a key player in environmental services, we are committed to working with our clients across Asia to enable their provision of access to water and waste services, with resilient and innovative solutions.
Francois Fevrier , CEO WATER AND R&R ASIA

Water: an essential resource for humanity

The earth’s freshwater resources make up just 2% of the planet’s total water supply. Currently, there are one billion people on the planet with no access to clean drinking water. Our water ecosystem is facing serious challenges, with a dwindling supply threating dire health and safety consequences. Water quality compliance rate and supply safeguards also need to improve significantly. 

SUEZ works with local partners throughout the region to help municipal authorities protect  community resources and provide safe and reliable water supply services. We also optimize management performance. With our support, municipal clients achieve efficiency, cost savings and regulatory compliance targets, while also preserving biodiversity. 

Integrated and efficient water management services to facilitate green development of industrial parks

The development of industrial parks is an effective way to improve the rate of industrialisation and optimise layout. It also helps strengthen the centralised management of industrial safety and environmental protection. For this reason, in the past 20 years, the local governments have moved a large number of industrial enterprises into specialised industrial parks. The management of water resources and industrial parks environment is the key to preventing pollution and promoting sustainable industrial development.

Extracting value from waste to energy resources

Sludge is an inevitable byproduct of wastewater treatment, which, if treated improperly, will extensively pollute the environment. Due to the complex composition, sludge, which contains pathogenic microorganisms, parasitic eggs, toxic heavy metals and refractory substances, causes secondary pollution to water, soil and the atmosphere. It also poses a serious threat to the ecological environment, without applying a safe treatment. In addition, sludge landfill exhaust the scarce land, resulting in waste of resources. However, sludge is not just waste but a misplaced resource. If properly utilised, sludge can be used as a valuable fuel or feedstock.

Introducing the most advanced water treatment technologies to the region

Treatment Infrastructure is the first business unit that SUEZ launched in Asia. It started its journey in Asia from Indonesia since 1953. Over the decades, we have built more than 600 water and wastewater treatment facilities in the region.

Helping clients become future-focused utilities

With the booming development of cities and infrastructure in the region, the water and waste utilities are entering into a new era of deep transformation.  This revolutionary change is strongly supported by the government and local authorities. Pursuing a sustainable and circular economy, this process integrates numerous powerful new innovations and technologies.  It also fully capitalizes on the benefits of the digital revolution. The smart solutions, made and delivered locally, are cutting-edge innovative technologies and service.  We deliver these to clients and partners, to help them achieve all their strategic goals. This is how we help them to become future-focused utilities.