Multiple rigid standards
Because of its geographical location, the environmental problems of Sichuan PetroChina project are sensitive and a comprehensive and effective wastewater treatment solution is the key to sustainable development of the project. Its technical challenges come mainly from:
- Tough discharge standards, requiring the effluent be discharged to Tuo River and finally to the Yangtze River;
- Requirement for lowering hard COD in the brine discharged into Tuo River from 175 mg/l to 60 mg/l;
- Discharge limit of 450 m3/hour;
- Higher reuse rate, requiring the total reuse rate to be 75%.
discharge limit
Our solution
SUEZ provides a series of process guarantees for wastewater from raw water to recycling treatment. The main techniques used include:
DCI oil removal, neutralizing tank, floatation, A/O , DensaDegTM, Aquazur® V-filtration, Oxyblue® ultra-filtration, reverse osmosis, OxyBlue® brine treatment, Cabarzur® activated carbon filtration, sludge treatment, which are the comprehensive display of the Group's advanced technology and strength.
The results
- The wastewater treatment plant is the first project in China's petrochemical field to combine with conventional wastewater treatment, wastewater recycling, brine treatment and rainwater treatment, which treats industrial wastewater of 60,000 m3 per day.
- The plant has China's first brine treatment system and an industrial wastewater recycling rate up to 75%.